Monday, March 14, 2011

A new arrival!

I have ordered my bike! A blue Surly Long Haul Trucker is on it's way. This is the biggest purchase I have for the adventure. I wanted to buy a road bike once and this is it! I had to make a few adjustments to the factory model. First up I swapped out the cantilever brakes for a set of Shimano V brakes. I am what's considered a Clydesdale biker. Meaning I'm a pretty big dude. I need a bit more stopping power that the cantilevers just are not built for. Along those lines I upgraded my crankset to a Shimano Splined model. I have a nasty habit of ripping the pedal arms off my bikes. My last customization was a purely vain one. I replaced the standard black for some cork tape. I think the brown will really pop with the blue. Once it comes in I will upload some photos.



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