Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Some Pics and Milestones

Myra Canyon

The TCT messing with us

Pool in Osoyoos(we knew someone ;P)

Above Christina Lake on the TCT

Trail on the way to Castlegar


Alberta Foothills


Enjoying the scenery in Saskatchewan
Stayed on some amazing people's property in Mortlach(read Bobby's earlier post)

Some pics and milestones from the last couple weeks. Might re size them later. We did a pic dump of Cody's and Bobby's camera. You can see them by clicking the links below

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Confirmation That Love Is All Around

Over past couple of months there has been one recurring theme to me as myself and two close friends travel across this amazing country of ours. To me this theme is the inherent goodness of man (or woman if you want to get PC about it). I have personally never done much traveling outside of my Albertan bubble and had never really wanted to for that matter, not because I was ignorant to the rest of the world's existence but because I perceived myself to be happy enough in my day to day life that travel wasn't really necessary to look for something I hadn't realized I lost. After a lot of thinking time on this topic however (you have nothing but time to think when you ride a bicycle for 8 hours a day) I realized I had lost something in the dull routine of my particular day to day. I had lost my passion for exploration, my energy flow as it were, or as a very interesting group of people we met just the other day had put it, I had lost my synchronicity. Where for no reason at all a chain of events that may appear completely random as they are happening, are all conspiring together to lead you in a certain direction at just the appropriate time to meet a certain person or take you to a certain destination where your mind and heart start to expand to ingest this information and energy as it were to bring us to the realization of LOVE. This may sound cheesy and corny but there is not any other way I can describe the utter elation I feel when meeting these incredible people, listening to there stories of life and experience and sharing our own. Being in the moment and truly listening to what these people have to say, and almost feeling (even though you had just met this person) like you have known them all your life. Like catching up with an old friend you hadn't seen in years.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Herbert. Remember it!

Sitting in the kitchen of a lovely couple, Ron and Kate. Letting a hardy breakfast settle and great conversation brew. How did we end up here? Great question. After another 130km day we roll in to a quaint little town with food on our minds. At what multitasks as a Chinese restaurant and everything else eatery, Kate befriends us, offering a spot in her garden for us to sleep. We had our eye on the local campground and decided to check it out first before accepting the local hospitality. A short, yet heated, argument over the price of a couple of tents, by the train tracks no less! Encouraged us to revisit Kate's generous offer. A few laughs, great conversation, a funny movie (a luxury on this trip) and the recognition of kindred spirits.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Now we are cooking with bacon grease. Mmmmmmmmm bacon.

We have finally hit our stride. Alberta will take us a total of 7 days of riding. Alberta-Saskatchewan boarder milestone hit! We had another proverbial summit. A 130km day ride in plus 40 degree heat, 55 degree radiant heat, no shade and boiling water in our bottles. If we can make it through that without wanting to quit, we aren't going to quit! 
It's been wonderful crossing Alberta. A great turnout from friends and family. Such good food. Sooo much bacon and other deliciousness. Great support, and even more donations! My friends at ACS ( Allied Container Systems) have shined through with even more donations to our cause. The lovely ladies in Wardobe helped us out with a modification to a much needed tarp. I'm thinkin' of midday siestas, in the shade, to beat that relentless heat.
Thank you to the Hogg and Parks families for putting us up and feeding us like kings, and thank you mom. It was great to see you!


Saturday, July 9, 2011


Another 100+ kilometer day and we are now in Fernie! We should make Alberta tomorrow...finally. Anyways short post, need to get some sleep. Uploaded some pics you can browse our Picasa album by clicking the link below, or by clicking pictures from the panel above

Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Record!

We are GODS! Cooked it from Nelson to Creston in one day. 115 km, no big deal. Sure it is the first time we have hit the triple digits in a day. A big shout out to our friend the Mosquito. Without their support we would never have made to Creston in one day. What a great motivator.
After a relaxing 8 hour sleep we are off to the Kokanee Brewery for a delightful beer and maybe a tour.
Peace out Y'all!
